The fourth-quarter estimated tax deadline for 2024 is Jan. 15, and you could trigger "unexpected penalties and fees" by skipping a payment, according to the IRS

The fourth-quarter estimated tax deadline for 2024 is Jan. 15, and you could trigger "unexpected penalties and fees" by skipping a payment, according to the IRS.

You typically owe estimated taxes with income from self-employment, small businesses, investments, gig economy work and more.

Tax filers may avoid late payment penalties by sending 90% of 2024 taxes or 100% of 2023 levies if adjusted gross income is less than $150,000.

The fourth-quarter estimated tax deadline for 2024 is Jan. 15, and you could trigger "unexpected penalties and fees" by skipping a payment, according to the IRS

The fourth-quarter estimated tax deadline for 2024 is Jan. 15, and missing a payment could trigger "unexpected penalties and fees" when filing your return, according to the IRS.

Typically, estimated taxes apply to income without withholdings, such as earnings from freelance work, a small business or investments. But you could still owe taxes for full-time or retirement income if you didn't withhold enough.

You could also owe fourth-quarter taxes for year-end bonuses, stock dividends, capital gains from mutual fund payouts or profits from crypto sales and more, the IRS said.   

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